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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Real Talk Tuesday: Why I Blog

Everyone has their reasons for blogging, and almost everyone has vocalized them at some point along their journey. 

I'm sure a lot of mine are the same as yours, and I might have a few others that are different. 

And since my blog is fairly new, my reasons aren't tainted by outside factors that might present themselves along the way. 

Sunshine & Stovetops was born due to my love for food. Something my mom loved to say was, "Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat." I am without a doubt, the latter. I wake up in the morning excited for breakfast, and as soon as I'm done I'm thinking about what I will do for lunch and dinner. But life gets busy, and it's easy to resort to cycling the same three recipes every week. And then I was given an assignment to keep a blog for a semester, and S&S was set in motion.
Without further introduction, the reasons I began, and continue to blog:

S&S forces me to get creative cooking, and to do it often.
Which is a source of joy for me, so it's a happiness blog. 
S&S gives me a clutter-free organized collection of my favorite original recipes.
And they are all favorites of mine. You will never find anything on here I don't like. I just won't post it. 
S&S has opened up a whole new community to me.
I never could have imagined the genuine acceptance that I have received here. I'm blown away. The true and sincere friends that I have met here are amazing. 
S&S is a place where I can be honest, and be heard. 
No rules, and no judgments. Thats what I love about you all. Everyone is honest, strong, vulnerable, supportive and wears their heart on their sleeve.

I realize this has now turned into a love letter. But I mean everything I say. Thanks for reading, thanks for the love! I love you back.
Too far?     Nahh.


  1. Love this post! I did something similar when I got back into blogging a few months ago. While it is fun to gain followers I hope that I can always be true to the reasons I started the blog - for myself!

  2. Go girl!! I think about food all day too, except I think more about eating it rather than preparing it. Preparing it I actually hate thinking about. Thinking about preparing it might actually deter me from eating it. Ha!

  3. Awesome love letter. Straight from the heart and onto the screen. Just the way it should be. *smiles* Love it!

    Nike O.

  4. Awww cute post! I completely agree. Not sure I ever told you this, but the name of your blog is just adorable!!!!

  5. Great post Terra. I started blogging a few months ago and I have been amazed by the love and support from the blogging community. I've connected with lovely girls from all over the world. I am a new follower and look forward to reading more.

  6. Hey! I found you on the blog hop and am so happy I did! I am in SD too...are you still living here? I excited to read more of your blog and am your newest follower! :)

    xo, jill
    Classy with a Kick
